Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Palestinian Opinion

Here is a poll I found about Palestinian opinion after the Gaza War. I thought this would be interesting to look at in comparison with the Gallup Poll about American opinions. I've been searching all day for a poll about Israeli opinions, but I can't seem to find one that's current. If anyone knows of one, I'd be really interested to see it. According to the poll, which can be seen in full at: http://www.ireport.com/docs/DOC-223839, a large majority of Palestinians still prefers resistance to negotiations. What do you guys think of this? At this point, it seems inevitable that the Israeli's will completely leave and the Palestinian state will return to its pre- 1948 configuration. What will be the result of continued resistance other than more fighting? This is why I really wanted to find an Israeli public opinion poll, because I would be really interested to see what percentage of Israeli's favor continued force over negotiations. Also, real quick, sorry for the late posts, I could not figure out for the life of me how to make this work until last night, so I understand if you don't have time to respond, but if you do happen to know of an Israeli opinion poll even after the blog ends Thursday night, I would be really interested to know. Anyways, Here is a summary of the report:

Poll no. 67_January 2009

Press Release
A public opinion poll conducted by Jerusalem Media & Communications Center

Rise in popularity of Hamas' leaders and government with decline in popularity of Fatah
The Palestinian public prefers resistance over negotiations
The majority believes that US President Obama won't bring change; however, a small
ratio still feels optimistic
Turkey, Venezuela, Iran and Hezbollah are the most popular regional parties
A majority supports international supervision over the process of Gaza reconstruction

1 comment:

  1. I think that this poll was very interesting. In reading it I was really interested to see how opinions of people in the west bank differed from those in the gaza strip. From the poll:

    "A striking finding in this field poll is the disparity between opinions in the West Bank and opinions in the Gaza Strip on most of the issues tackled in the poll. For example, 53.3% of respondents in the West Bank believe that Hamas won in the recent war, while 35.2% of respondents in Gaza Strip felt the same."

    I wonder what this means about the conflict... I would imagine that those closest to the conflict would be the first to get tired of violence (but it would not appear the the area is ready to move in that direction).

    I think that the resistance to negotiations is not all that surprising. I think this was highlighted very well in "The Lemon Tree." When people feel as Bashir did it makes sense that people would not be ready for peace negotiations.

    To answer your other question, I think the ramifications of continued resistance could be wide spread. It would effect everything from the infrastructure there to education and foreign relations. It is my opinion that it would be almost impossible to quantify the results of continued conflict.
