Monday, April 13, 2009

Shock and Awe

‘Modern warfare damages ecosystems’

These articles talk about some of the environmental impacts of using shock and awe tactics like the U.S. has in Iraq. Not only do they appear to be not very effective, but the consequences of blanketing an area with potent munitions appear quite large. 

1 comment:

  1. "Developing countries have been put under pressure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, while developed countries are ready to sell the technology developed for the purpose. This growth versus environment debate calls for a lifestyle change."

    I thought this was really interesting. It's so hypocritical for developed nations to blame developing nations for the polutants they are creating. When we were developing we did just as much damage to the environment without thinking about anyone else, but the second someone else starts thinking about it we freak out. And our solution? To sell them something. Obviously, we know more about the environment now then we did then, so being more aware could contribute to our fear of developing countries polluting the air. But if we were really so worried about it we would share our technologies rather than selling them.

    I was also really surprised to learn about the purposeful environmental devastation in Vietnam. That was really shocking, I can't believe we would do something like that...
