Wednesday, April 8, 2009

article from NY Times

This is completely irrelevant to this week's topic but I thought it was pretty interesting. you may have to sign up to be a member of NY Times to read the whole article but it is free.


1 comment:

  1. So I know this isn't our topic at all, but I really enjoyed this article. It is fascinating to me, first of all, that Bahrain has such an incredibly small Jewish population. 36 is an awfully tiny number. It says something though, I think, that none of them are religious, and that there are no Jewish religious institutions in the country. Also, the fact that supporting the Jewish population in Bahrain is more of a political ploy, a way to saddle up next to the United States than an actual statement of acceptance is depressing. Too show, it illustrates the perception in the Arab world that Israel has the United States in its pocket and anything to make Israel happy makes the US happy.
