Monday, March 9, 2009

Palestinian PM Resigns

Article 1
Article 2
Article 3

Here are three articles from the Jerusalem Post about the Palestinian PM who just resigned a few days back so the PNA (Palestinian National Authority) could have some sort of unity going into the Fatah/Hamas talks coming up soon in Cairo. I found it interesting how from the searches I performed on LexisNexis and GoogleNews for "Fayad AND Fatah" and "Fayyad AND Fatah", the sources with the most articles on this were Israeli or Jewish. I found very few sources from the Middle East and an overall surprisingly lack of publicity from all sources. Is there a reason why it is on the Israeli and Jewish sites and not showing up at all on Palestinian and (most) Arab sites? Could this be that the Israelis and Jews are trying to show a division in the PNA and undermine the legitimacy of this organization? Are the Palestinians ignoring this so they appear to be more organized? I was able to find a short article on Al Jazeera English but surprisingly there were no comments like there oftentimes are for articles involving Israel/Palestine.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting take, I hadn't thought about that. That could be true. Hopefully there will be unity at the talks. With conflict, you can't afford to have divides on the same sides.
